Friday, February 12, 2010

Cherish Your Time as a Couple

Tonight is Date Night for the Engineer and me, which I look forward to all week.

The Engineer works really hard, pretty much round the clock, and there will be nights where, what with his working long hours to begin with, then coming home to work some more on his laptop, and THEN the occasional overseas call in the evening (to offset the 12-hour time difference), we fall into bed and he falls asleep right away. Or he nods off in front of the television, before we even have brushed our teeth! I'm a Night Owl, and I admit to getting a little frustrated with this (though I'm happy to snuggle in my bed a little later in the morning than he does and sleep in whenever I can). Sometimes, it's just hard to connect with your spouse.

And we're the lucky ones. I know how hard it can be to make time for just the two of you when the kids are little and more demanding of your time and energy.

So if I had one tip for couples, with Valentine's Day coming up, it would be to make special time for each other, just the two of you, all year round.

This month, K-Y Brand is introducing its new Couples Place Website, a resource for couples looking to strengthen their connection with each other. The site will feature advice and commentary from the nation's leading relationship and sexual health experts.

When you visit the Couples Place Website, you can also enter in a contest to be selected as "America's Top Couple!" The winning couple receives a trip to New York City to participate in a professional photo shoot and be featured in a national magazine. Wouldn't that just be amazing? You'd feel like movie stars in your own romantic comedy (well, if it were my life, it would definitely lean to the comedy side).

You may also have noticed the ads on TV with couples enjoying K-Y Brand intimacy enhancement products, a new line introduced in recent years to further help couples make the most of their connection behind the bedroom door, like Yours + Mine couples lubricant and Intense arousal gel for her.

I like that K-Y understands that we sometimes have to make the most of the limited time we can carve out together and just enjoy "Couple Time" whenever and wherever we find it.

So, I'm getting ready for my own Date Night, like I do each Friday. Now, what are YOU going to do to celebrate Valentine's Day?

Make it a special occasion for the two of you, as a couple, that lasts not just this weekend, but throughout the whole year.

You won't be sorry.

I wrote this post while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of K-Y Brand and received samples of the Yours + Mine and Intense products. In addition, Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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