Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yoplait Kids Blog Tour!

Did you know that adding yogurt to your diet every day can help you lose weight, while adding calcium for strong teeth and bones, much-needed vitamins and protein? Well, maybe you did, because you're a Mom, and Mom Knows Everything (or at least that's what we tell our kids!).

But how do you get your kids to make the healthy choice and eat yogurt themselves? Easy-peasy. All you have to do is offer them Yoplait kids, as I find out last week.

We had two kinds of Yoplait kids yogurt in our house, both with cute new Dora the Explorer packs, with all different flavors for the kids to try.

First, the peach and strawberry-banana multi-pack went--fast! The kids would come home from school hungry for a snack, and I would offer them a choice. They usually went for the strawberry-banana, which meant I had my favorite, the peach, to myself.

Once those were gone (with two gr-o-o-w-ing boys, it didn't take long), we quickly went after the Yoplait kids yogurt drink in bottles. I have to admit, the boys were a bit leery of the bottles. In our house, they are firmly entrenched in the "yogurt should be in a cup" camp. But we "dared" each other to try it, each of us picking a bottle. I told the kids they only had to take a slurp, just to try it, but they both ended up drinking down the yogurt and asking for more. For those of you with younger children, Yoplait kids yogurt drink is smooth and silky, so it's easier for toddlers to drink and digest than other yogurts.

So now, I am all out of Yoplait kids yogurt! But don't worry, I'm going out to get more! And now, you can too, because thanks to our friends at and, you can get money-saving coupons from Yoplait kids!

Enjoy your yogurt. Oh, and by the way, I actually lost a couple pounds eating yogurt every day. YMMV, but there's no doubt a little yogurt will do you--and your family--good.


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