Thursday, July 22, 2010

Camping Trip Photos Lead to Allegations of Child Endangerment

Salon features a disturbing story of a photographer and his friends, accused of endangering their children after pictures from their camping trip are turned in to the police as possible "child pornography".  

Pictures included a 3 yr-old girl skinny-dipping in the lake, an 8 yr-old swimming in his underwear, and another boy drying his wet underclothes over the campfire  after the trip to the lake. There was also a pic of the naked campers urinating on the ashes of their fire as they covered up all traces of their camping trip, and one photo of a child where the subject's head was cut off (probably taken by one of the kids).

Yes, that's as "bad" as the pictures went, but the families in question went through months of suspicion, home visits by Child Services, and their children questioned by strangers, one by one, about "good touch" and "bad touch".

At one point, the family is told that they might be charged for child endangerment for allowing kids near the campfire.

I found it really frightening how far this case went, and what the families in question went through as the result of a disposable camera and one overzealous Eckerd's photo employee.

None of the questionable pictures are actually featured in the article.

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