Well, normally, neither would I. ; )
But with AllStarBuddies.com, kids can kick goals, throw passes and shoot hoops all in the safety of a virtual playground, where no windows get broken.
Designed for kids 6 and up, AllStarBuddies.com promotes a healthy, positive lifestyle through fun games, quests and social interaction. Childen can learn about problem-solving, goal setting, good sportsmanship, teamwork, fitness, good nutrition and environmental awareness by playing games, either individually or with other kids just like them!
As citizens of “Varsity Heights,” the virtual world of AllStarBuddies.com, members have their own User IDs and passwords.
Once registered, their first stop is in (where else?!) the “Locker Room” where they log in to the world and select one of seven sports-themed, animated characters as their onscreen persona, which can be changed as often as a child wants to.

Here's how to WIN: head over to the AllStarBuddies.com site, then come back here and tell me which Buddy is your favorite. Be sure to include the name and the sport the Buddy represents: "Bob the Bocce Ball Player," for example (no, that's not a real buddy, but I do like the sound of it!).
You MUST use this initial entry method for that first entry into the giveaway. Also, although they will do their best, AllStarBuddies.com can't guarantee that the plush will be your favorite.
Extra entries for:
Following CoolMomsRule on Twitter;
Tweeting about this contest;
Subscribing to our feed;
Blogging about this contest; and
Adding my button (on the sidebar to the right) to your site.
Good luck!
Oooh! I thought for sure my favorite was going to be Striker (Soccer) - but I totally fell in love with Chip (Golf)
(I already follow you -- and just RT'ed yours promoting this contest)
Ace the Baseball Player. He is so cute! Thank you!
I tweeted
My favorite is Swish the basketball.
I'm an e-mail subscriber.
I follow you on Twitter, partymix25
This was a harder decision than I thought it was going to be! I think my favorite is Blitz the Football Player.
Deuce the tennis player is my favorite thanks tina eaglesforjack@gmail.com thanks for the giveway
Striker All Star Buddies,SportsPlush Soccer Football would be my daughter's favorite.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
I like Coins game. All star buddies are so cute. I also love ace-the baseball player.
follow u on twitter
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