Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Heffalumps and Woozles! Pooh Movie Giveaway

When the Owl was a little boy, he wasn't yet known as the Owl.

He was Piglet.

Small for his age and a little anxious, he loved to watch the Winnie the Pooh cartoon, and Piglet, naturally, was his favorite.

I even sewed him a Piglet costume one Halloween for the pre-school parade, and since my skills as a seamstress usually max out at the "putting a button back on" stage, that's saying something.

He was adorable as Piglet.

Eventually (sadly), he grew out of the Winnie the Pooh stage. I still love Pooh and the gang (my husband and I will sing, "Little Black Rain Cloud" when it's thundering, or say we have a "rumbly in our tumbly" when we're hungry to this day).

And of course little Piglet has a special place in our hearts still.

So naturally we all enjoyed Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie because in our minds Piglet was the star--the brave, loyal friend that always stands up for his buddy, Pooh.

Now, Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie is available on DVD, and Piglet's buddy Pooh comes right along with it, all dressed up in his Halloween costume--He's Tigger!

If you don't own a copy, I can personally HIGHLY recommend this DVD for your family as the perfect Halloween alternative for younger kids. They won't be traumatized by the spooky yet kid-friendly special, and all their favorite Winnie the Pooh characters are included in the fun. Plus, no one can resists, "Heffalumps and Woozles!"

You can WIN Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie, complete with adorable Plush Pooh in his Tigger costume, from Cool Moms Rule!

To enter (required for all): leave a comment below this post with your child's favorite character from Winnie the Pooh! I'd love to know (if you've decided yet) what all the kids are going to be dressed up as this Halloween, too, so please do share!

Additional entry methods (optional), please leave a comment for each:
  • Tweet this contest--please use the hashtag #coolmomsrule
  • Blog about the giveaway
  • Follow CoolMomsRule on Twitter
  • Add our button to your blog
  • Subscribe to our feed
  • Follow the blog
Contest ends September 30th, so you'll have your copy of Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie and your plush Pooh to snuggle in time for Halloween!


Janet said...

I love them all! My daughter's favorite is Darby (today). :)


Janet said...


Janet said...

button ABC listed

Janet said...

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Janet said...


Janet said...

tweeted @gahome2mom

You can win Disney's Halloween Heffalump Movie, with stuffed plush Pooh in his Tigger Halloween costume! Got to


Janet said...

twitter follower @gahome2mom

Erin Lowmaster said...

My daughter likes Tigger!

ellybean at connected2christ dot com

Stephanie said...

My son loves Tigger, of course!

As for Halloween costumes- my son is 4. A few weeks ago he announced he wants to be a skunk for Halloween so he can "spray people with my smelly spray." Bet he'll get a lot of treats, huh?

Stephanie said...

I subscribe to your feed.

Stephanie said...

I'm following your blog.

Alice H said...

Tigger is our family favorite - thanks! alicedemskehansen at

Alice H said...

I follow - alicedemskehansen at

Mary Preston said...

Pooh if the favorite here. I thinks it's the honey. We love our honey.


apple said...

Our nephew likes Roo! :) We're getting him an animal costume that's for sure. :)

wigget said...

eeyore has been a favorite for a long time.

wigget said...


Ellen C. said...

My son's favorite character is Tigger. he'll be dressing up like a pirate this year. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Kristi said...

My four year old LOVES Pooh. We also love this movie, especially the music from it. We used to have it but it got all scratched up so we needed to get it again this year.

Sky said...

My daughter loves Pooh. Darby is a close second though.

She's going to be Minnie Mouse for Halloween this year...I can't wait!

Terra Heck said...

Eeyore is our favorite. I have not yet decided what the kids will be wearing for Halloween, but I can't wait to check out all the costumes.

Terra Heck said...

email subscriber

Terra Heck said...

I follow your blog.

Suburban prep said...

Oh Tigger is most determinately the character the kids like.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Danielle said...

My son's favorite character is Eeyore. He thinks the way he talks is funny.

I have no idea what in the world my boys are going to be this year for Halloween.

judybrittle said...

Winnie the Pooh is our favorite. He is just so cute! Thank you!

judybrittle said...

I tweeted

Cindy said...

winnie the pooh is my daughters favorite

she wants to be a princess for halloween

Cindy said...

i follow your blog!

Cindy said...

I Follow on Twitter

Kristie said...

My little ones love both Winnie the Pooh and Tigger (too!) :-)

We haven't decided what the kids are going to be yet for Halloween, but we'll probably make something up from their dress-up clothes. (Probably a policeman and a doctor.)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

janetfaye said...

My grandson likes Winnie The Pooh.

He wants to be Thomas The Train for Halloween.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

My favorite is Eeyore!


Mommyhood is Thankless said...


Sassyfrazz said...

My children all like Tigger, Pooh and Piglet. Tigger has always been my favorite...even collected him all through HS and college. :)

We don't have any costumes or ideas yet for halloween.

I would love to win this DVD set for my kids! They would love it!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Sassyfrazz said...

I am a new follower on twitter!

Thanks for another chance to win!

Sassyfrazz said...

I am a new subscriber to your feed.
Thanks for another chance to win.


Sassyfrazz said...

I follow your blog!

KayeDean said...

Lily loves Tigger!~

KayeDean said...
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KayeDean said...

I follow you on Twitter as lmsmeemaw and I tweeted!

Angela R. said...

No decision on the costume but the favorite is Roo.

Meredith said...

Roo is the favorite around here.

jag said...

My kids' favorite character is Eeyore! No idea on costumes yet.

Melissa said...

Tigger is my son's favorite. I am not sure about Halloween, I am thinking superhero...

Melissa said...

Tweet, thank you RE

Melissa said...

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Anonymous said...

My son, Conner, loves Pooh. This year he is dressing up as Superman.

Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber.

Nadi said...

My son loves Tigger!
This Halloween, he'll be Optimus Prime and my little girl will be a princess.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Ms D said...

Definitely Pooh Bear!!! My son is dressing up as a little devil this halloween :)

Nadi said...

I follow your blog.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Nadi said...

I follow you on Twitter (naughtynad)

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Ms D said...

I follow you on twitter :)

Ms D said...

I follow your cute blog :)

brandy said...

My childs favorite is a tie between Pooh and piglet, i like piglet thats what i called my DD when she was a baby.
Hannah Montana for halloween
bwalleshauser at yahoo dot com

Tamara B. said...

I follow thorugh Blogger.

Tamara B. said...

I am a subscriber through RSS Feed.

monica said...

We like Tigger the best!
We haven't decided on halloween costumes yet!
monicabozsik at yahoo dot com

brandy said...


Marin said...

My kids don't have a favourite but mine is Eyeore. Tigger is a close second.

I don't know what they're going to be for Hallowe'en yet this year, but last year they were Charlie Brown and PigPen, because my 2 year old has no hair and looks EXACTLY like CB!

Marin said...

I follow

Marin said...

frugonomics101 (at) g mail

Marin said...

Follow on Twitter (MarinOBrien)

Marin said...


Marin said...

Grabbed your button

Nanci said...

We love "T.I. double G. er" at my house!

I am following you on twitter.. turn around.. yes, that is me in the red shirt.

I also gave you a "tweet".


Katrina said...

Our favorite is tigger. We have not picked a costume yet but there are so many cute options!

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

phxbne said...

love tigger and are thinking a cowgirl

Mary A said...

My son loves Tigger. This year he is going as Darth Vader. Thanks for the giveaway.

Honey Mommy said...

My son loves Pooh! This year he wants to be Buzz Lightyear!

Madeline said...

This is awful, but my little guy hasn't yet encountered Pooh. However, Eeyore was my favorite!
And, my kid is going to be a bear for halloween.

Julie said...

Ah the bouncy Tigger

bison61 said...

my granddaughter says baby roo

tiramisu392 (at)

mrsshukra said...



mrsshukra said...

Follower via google friend!


Lisa R said...

eeyore is the bestest

Stephanie Grant said...

My sons fav. is Tigger and we are going to dress him up as a Pirate Captin!

Stephanie Grant said...


Stephanie Grant said...


Stephanie Grant said...

Follow CoolMomsRule on Twitter @sgrant2005

ReggieMann said...

My niece's favorite is Roo :)

ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

tina reynolds said...

tigger thanks for the chance to win

Unknown said...

My son loves Tigger. He's going as Elmo this Halloween if he doesn't freak out at the other kids being dressed up. We'll give it a try and see.


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