Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Bathtime Fun! Johnson's 50th Anniversary Bathtime Basket Giveaway

This month marks the 50th Anniversary of JOHNSON'S 'No More Tears' formula. Moms like me have trusted Johnson's baby products for years, just as our Moms did before us. Did you know that Johnson's Baby Powder first came out in 1890, and that the scent has never been changed? That wonderful "baby smell" that we all know and love, part of that we owe to them!

I was fortunate enough to visit Johnson's New Brunswick, New Jersey facility early last year, and I was impressed to discover just how dedicated they are to making sure their products are safe for your baby--that iconic No More Tears formula went through rigorous testing before it was released to make sure it was perfectly safe for your children's eyes.

Now, in honor of the 50th Anniversary, Johnson's is introducing two brand new No More Tears bath products: Johnson's Bubble Bath & Wash and Johnson's Head-To-Toe Foaming Wash, both containing an updated, even more mild No More Tears formula. I'll have more about these great new products in my very next post.

Now, usually you get gifts on your anniversary, but that's not the way Johnson's rolls. No, they want YOU to have a gift, in the form of a big basket of Johnson's bathtime goodies!

To win this 50th anniversary Bathtime Basket from Johnson's, just visit their site and then come back and tell me which of their products is your favorite.

I know this is a tough one, because it's so hard to pick, isn't it? Even though my "babies" are teens now, I'm still a fan of so many of their products: I've used Johnson's Baby Oil when I shave to keep my skin smooth and silky, and I've found their Soothing Vapor Bath is great when your nose is stuffed up, just to name a couple.

Additonal entry methods: I want to spread the word about these great new products from Johnson's and the 50th Anniversary of their No More Tears formula, so I'm only offering two additonal entry methods to do just that. I'm asking that you either blog about this contest or share it on a social networking site (for example, you could Tweet about it on Twitter) for additional entries.

Please remember to leave a comment for each additional entry method you choose. Contest ends February 5th, and please make sure to leave an email where you can be reached. As always, winners have three days to respond after being notified, and you need a shipping address in the continental US to be eligible to win.

Good luck!


Ellen C. said...

My son and I love the bedtime bath wash. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

valerie2350 said...

love the detangler spray!

valerie2350 said...


valerie2350 said...

rubynreba said...

My granddaughter has very long hair and the detangler always works!

Anya said...

The baby shampoo is always great, even for adults. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

DESITIN® CREAMY®! Works wonders!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...
Blogged it
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Amy said...

We're huge fans of the detangler spray around here!

Thanks for the opportunity!


Jackie said...

My teen daughters and I love to use the Johnsons Baby Lotion to keep our skin soft (love the scent too!) Thanks for the giveaway!

Preppy Mama said...

My favorite is the lavender baby shampoo. I love the way it makes my son's hair smell and I won't use anything else!!

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I love the Lavender's so calming and relaxing!

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I've blogged about this wonderful giveaway!


Amy Starr said...

I love the Bedtime bath products - love that lavendar scent!

Carolyn G said...

I still love the baby shampoo

Carolyn G said...

I tweeted

judybrittle said...

We have to have detangling spray handy because my granddaughter has long hair. It works so great removing snarls. Thank you!

nape said...

I love Johnson's Bedtime Gift Set. Nifty cool--I can print a $2.00-off coupon from their website. Yay for lovely-smelling lotion, soap, powder, oil, and babies!

nape said...


The Dreamer said...

totally the bedtime bath wash and lotion. use it every night.

adams006 at hotmail dot com

Janet said...

I like the Johnson's Bath with Lavendar. Thanks.


mom2boys said...

I love the Johnson's bedtime bath.Bedtime wouldn't be the same without it. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I am a huge fan of the detangler.

katie klein said...

Even since I was a child I have always been a huge fan of the no more tears shampoo. It is almost a part of our family.

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I like the Buddies Bars and No More Tears shampoo for my toddler...but for babies I love the baby washes. Great stuff!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

Anonymous said...

Baby Oil


Tamara B. said...

I have two favorites they are the Johnson's Baby Oil and their Detangler. Couldn't sruvive withour them in this houseold and I just love the smell of the Baby Lotion too.

Betty N said...

I use "No More Tears" on my grandkids! In looking at the site, I found some great looking products that I have not yet tried. One that stood out to me was Johnson's Moisture Care Baby Wash that hydrates and nourishes baby's skin while it cleanses.

Cool Moms Rule! is in full compliance of the new FTC rules concerning Bloggers. I disclose on all posts where a product was received for free and/or if there was any kind of financial compensation involved.