You may remember how our first kitten, Leo, died recently from FIP, or feline infectious peritonitis. This was devastating to our family, and especially to my youngest son, the Rhino, who hopes to be a veterinarian one day. We felt the emptiness of the house without a pet keenly.
So recently, and quietly, we adopted two more shelter kitties. We did this after much reflection, and the decision to adopt two kittens instead of one came only after visiting pet stores, contacting breeders, and more than one trip to the shelter. But after seeing these poor two little orange kittens, taken away from their mother and brought to the shelter, we felt that we could not separate them from each other. Tiny, hungry, and very scared, the brothers needed each other to feel comfortable in their new home.
We've really come to enjoy having them in our home as part of the family for the last few weeks.
And the Rhino, especially, has really bonded with the new additions, because he's been home most of the week with that hurt right hand (see gruesome blue palm photo further down the page), playing videogames with his wrong hand and throwing the ball for them to chase.
We got to talking, during this time, about all we had learned from the loss of our first kitten, and I spoke about my years growing up, always with a cat in the house, and how much that experience meant to me. And we, the Rhino and I together, came up with an idea, and decided to run with it.
So, what we did is...we made a blog for the kittens!
Or rather, by the kittens. Mostly.
Written from the viewpoint of our two orange fluffballs, which we have named Colby and Cheddar, with occasional insights from their human family, and even a little LOLcat humor, we proudly present this new addition to our blog family as well:
The Cheezits: Colby and Cheddar--taking over the world one human at a time.
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