Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hope. Change. Engage.

I'm voting today.

I hope you are, too.

I know the coverage of the last few days, weeks, even months has just become so much that you are sick of hearing about the election by now. I know that you've reached the saturation point, where you just wish it was all over already.

There's been so much to this Presidential campaign: the slogans and the mud-slinging, the economic crisis, the high price of gasoline (which is finally, thank goodness, going down again), people worried about their jobs and whether they will be able to keep their insurance, and if they do will their health insurance even cover them if they get sick, and what about their kids and the quality of education we have in this country?

I get that, I really do. I'm right there with you, wishing it was done already--but I'm still going out to vote today because that's the only way I can really have a say in what happens in my country's future.

And you know the very best thing? I can make the new President, whoever he may be, listen to what I have to say. Me, personally.


By going to the Experience Project, registering, and writing down just exactly what I would say if I were standing there, looking the man in the face--and I can even do it anonymously.

Which is really cool, because, you know, then there's no reason to hold back, is there?

The slogan of the Experience Project is "Hope. Change. Engage." And I think they've got a great idea here.

Everyday people like you and me can go and put our thoughts down until December 31st, and the most popular entries are going to be compiled into a book for the next President of the United States to read.

So, hopefully, he'll really understand where we're all coming from, and make the best choices based on what he's read.

So, while I'm out voting, why don't you check out the Experience Project, and let them know what's on your mind?

1 comment:

Armen said...

Thank you for mentioning Hope. Change. Engage. We're having a blast with it and really hearing the thoughts of the nation.

Founder, ExperienceProject.com

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