Monday, December 21, 2009

The Secret Santa Surprise Gift! Don't tell!

Okay, everybody, here it is, the gift I got for my Secret Santa!

Now, I'm not going to tell you her name, and don't go trying to figure it out, and maybe ruin the surprise, okay?


So..I got her a Gift Basket, complete with a Christmas sleigh, loaded with chocolate truffles (because who doesn't like chocolate?)!

And, in keeping with the theme, I also bought a Santa gift bag to dress it up for my Secret Santa! And I stayed under the ($25 giftcard) limit, which is really impressive, because it's a super-nice gift set.

Thanks, TJMaxx!

I'm really looking forward to finding out what my Secret Santa thinks of her gift soon. She'll be getting it before Christmas, thanks to the TJMaxx folks, as they also paid for shipping.

Unless I get my present tomorrow from my own Secret Santa, I'll have to let you know after Christmas what it was (the suspense is KILLING me), because that's when we'll be home from our trip.

Unless I can get the cat sitter to open it up and let me know. Hmmm....

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