Saturday, December 20, 2008

Purrfectly Pleasing PetCam--We have 5 to give away to YOU!

I want to tell you all my funny story about the PetCam, which is just this incredibly fun gadget from Uncle Milton!

First, though, to correct an error I made: I have one SmartShopper to give away and somehow, inexcusably, forgot to include the giveaway info in the review! I've amended it now, but I want to make sure all my readers, who might have already glanced at the review, know about the giveaway. Just leave a comment on the SmartShopper review and you are entered!

Okay, so here is my funny story! One of my cats, Colby, is a regular Houdini. He escapes from our screened porch all the time. We have a hole in the screen the Engineer hasn't gotten around to fixing, and we have covered it up and just done everything we can think of, and still Colby escapes. So I got him a collar, with his name and our number on it, so at least if he is found the neighbors will know he is one of our kitties and not a stray.

But then I received the most amazing pet product ever--really, if you own pets, you will love this, and if you know anyone with pets, it's a great gift idea. Plus, your kids will just love this! It's called the Petcam, and you can pick it up at your local Target.

The Petcam snaps right on to your pet's collar. You have to charge it first, which you do simply by pugging it into your PC or laptop for a couple hours. Then, when you put it on your pet, you just turn it on and the Petcam does all the work.

What does it do?

It takes pictures from your pet's point of view!

Isn't that cool? The Petcam takes the pictures at regular intervals, and you can see what the world looks like through your pet's eyes.

So, anyway, naturally I put mine on Colby's collar. My other two kitties really don't try to escape.

By the way, the PetCam works best for pets of at least the size of a normal house cat. My cat, who I have seen push a whole backpack off of the couch just so that he can sit there, acted like he was weighed down by the PetCam around his neck, but he got around just fine, as you'll see in a moment.

So, Colby was on the screened porch, and when he came back in the house with the PetCam on just a few minutes later, I didn't even know he escaped.

But the PetCam pictures told a different story! All I did was plug it into my computer through the USB port to download all the pics it took, and the results were amazing!

Colby went all around our back yard, around the side of the house, even in the neighbor's yard, in just those fifteen minutes! And now I know all his secret hiding places. Ha! Take that, Houdini cat!

You can see all the photos from the PetCam, and read Colby's side of the story, here, over on The Cheezits' blog. It's pretty funny, you'll want to take a look!

And here is the amazing part--Colby is so famous now that the wonderful PetCam folks are giving us FIVE PetCams to give away. This is an amazing deal--each one retails for 49.99--so you'll definitely want in on this giveaway!

To enter, just read Colby's story, and comment below with the name of either of the other two cats featured on The Cheezits blog!

You can gain additional entries by:
  • Subscribing to the feed for EITHER Cool Moms Rule! or The Cheezits! (or both! You get an entry for each)
  • Putting the Cool Moms Rule! badge on your blog
  • Tweeting about this contest
  • Blogging about this contest
Remember to leave me a comment for EACH entry method you choose. And make sure I have your email address so we can contact the winners. Deadline is midnight, December 31st, so you can start the New Year's right with your PetCams.
I know our winners will enjoy spying on their pets. And once your kids see those pictures, they will love imagining they are the family dog or cat! ; )

Good luck!


Digital Misfit said...

That is the coolest pet product I have seen this year! I would love to see the world from my dog's point of view.
One of the sweet kitties featured on the Cheezits blog is the aptly named Cheddar!

Digital Misfit said...

I subscribe to the Cool Moms Rule feed on my google homepage!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Wowie, these peoples made a camera that shows a kitty viewpoint. Furry nice. It ratted out Houdini Colby's hidey holes? Hmmmm, well, I still want one, that way I can figgure out where mine brofurs and sisfurs are hiding. Hee hee hee.
Love & Purrs,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hah, if yoo put it on Cheddar would it show is how to nap? This would be fun to put on Zippy since she loves to go in the neighbors yard and visit all the neighborhood dogs!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh my, if it weighted down Colby's beefy neck, us CRex would mightly complain about it, but we complain when Teri dresses us up and that has never stopped her. So, we think she'd love to win this cam and we ask that other cheesy colored cat, Cheddar, to put our name in the pot

Teri and the cats at Furrydance

Jans Funny Farm said...

Jan thinks this would be a fun thing for us, so we'd like to enter the contest. We love, Colby and Cheddar and we're glad you've found a way to keep an eye (camera eye) on his escapades.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We subscribed for The Cheezits feed.

Merrcy Christmas!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We can't pass this up. We just had to put Colby and your contest in a post (Holy Night Video).

The Island Cats said...

Whoohoo! Please enter us in the contest to win the PetCam...the one that Cheddar's brother, Colby, was wearing!!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

valerie2350 said...

this looks like such a fun prize - Cheddar :)

Jennifer said...

Cheddar is one of them! Neat giveaway!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

One of the cats is cheddar! I would love to put this on my dog, because she is always mysteriously killing squirrells and dragging them into the yard! i thought she was too slow to do this, but with this I can see how she manages it! Super cool!

email: keithadanielle[at]yahoo[dot]com

valerie2350 said...

cool mom email subscriber

valerie2350 said...

cheezits feed subscriber

valerie2350 said...

blogged it

valerie2350 said...

tweet tweet

Anonymous said...


I'd love to put this on my dogs.

Brownie said...

I subscribed at Google Reader to the Cheezits a long time ago, and I tweeted about it too:

My mail: brownie AT hamsterhideout DOT com

Brownie said...

I know, I know, I can't put up that cam to me, so it will be to Stellaluna, the cat :o3

momsbusy said...

hi cheddar! mommees says she wants to see what i do all day. we think that colby had some neat advenshures.


Beeb said...

The names of the cats mentioned on the blog are Colby, Cheddar, and Fancy! What a great giveaway, thanks so much for the chance! This would be the perfect gift for my best friend!

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

I subscribe to the Cool Moms Rule feed in My Yahoo. My username is sh3w1llb3l0v3d. Thank you!

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

And I also subscribe to The Cheezits in My Yahoo reader. My username is sh3w1llb3l0v3d. Thank you!

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

Your button can be found here:

Thanks again!

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

I blogged about it here:

Thank you!!

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

Tweet, tweet! I Tweeted this here:

My Twitter username is hardertobreathe. Thank you! My fingers are crossed!

supercoupongirl AT

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope both of our Cheezit friends (Cheddar and Colby) will help us win this for our woofie Brother Cubby. Cubby's been an escape artist a couple of times and this would be really helpful in finding him if it ever happened again (which we sure hope won't 'cause it scares the poop out of Mom!)

Thanks for doing this - the last time we tried to subscribe to the Cheezits it wouldn't let us. Now we're subscribed to both!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Jackie said...

I enjoyed reading Colby's story about his adventure, along with the adventures of Fancy and Cheddar.

We have a dog, and I often say to my husband, "I wonder what she's thinking when she's outside." The PetCam might give us some ideas...

Jackie said...

I subscribed!

Libby Design said...

Oh these look fun!! Loved reading about Colby & Cheddar's adventures!!

libby_design at yahoo dot com

Libby Design said...

I'm a subscriber!!

libby_design at yahoo dot com

Jenna said...

This is so neat. How fun!

Anonymous said...

One of the cats is Cheddar. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

nanja said...

One cats name is Fancy
Oh my goodness I dog sit 2 dogs I always wonder which of the 2 is the culprit digging holes in the backyard!!! This would be a great way of finding out. Love that it is charged by the usb port and you don't have to rely on batteries


nanja said...

I'm subscribed to Cool Mom rules


nanja said...

I subscribed to Cheezits feed


nanja said...

Blogged this giveaway


nanja said...



3boyzmom said...

I would totally love to spy on my chocolate lab!! He's so sneaky! We never know if it's him or our other dog that does the bad stuff! One of the kitties is named Cheddar!!

3boyzmom said...

I'm a Cool Moms Rule subscriber!!

3boyzmom said...

Your badge is on my blog!!

3boyzmom said...

Tweet Tweet

3boyzmom said...

I blogged about this giveaway here:

judybrittle said...

Fancy is one of the pets names. This is such a cool gadget. Thank you!

judybrittle said...

I'm a subscriber.

judybrittle said...

I subscribed to Cheezits feed.

nape said...

When you first mentioned "Colby," I wasn't thinking cheese until I read about Cheezits and Cheddar. Mmmmmmmmm cheese!

Fun giveaway. Ever since the White House BarneyCam, I've wanted one. Thanks!

nape said...

I subscribe RSS via google reader.

nape said...

I also subscribe to Cheezits RSS via google reader.

nape said...

tweeted you!

Kimberly said...

One of the cats names is Chedder (my favorite cheese by the way).

I have four cats and a dog. Something like this would be A LOT of fun and actually educational to see what they see and how they look at us.

Awesome and fun giveaway! Thanks!


HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Kimberly said...

I am an e-mail subscriber to Cool Moms Rule.

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Kimberly said...

Your button is on my blog, shescribes "dot" com.

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

pestkaj said...

chedder is a great name, might steal that!

pestkaj said...

I subscribe to your rss as pestkaj

Mr. Hendrix said...

That is such a cool product. I would love to have a chance to win one. The Pet Cam people are very nice to do this.

I'm glad Colby at least stays close, he is to little to be running around by himself! What does Cheddar do when he sneaks out?

Fancy, you stay inside for sure! Some beans are not nice to us House Panther.

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

I thought the petcam picture quality was amazing! I'm sure if Cheddar escapes, he will be wearing one, too! Thanks. Hope we win one. I we do, we'll put it on one of our 'orphans' and send them outside for an adventure.

Anonymous said...

Fancy is a cute name for sure,
A human bean wouldn't mind it either,
And Cheddar is a sweet one too,
for cat or mouse, that name would do...

The pet cam is the next best thing,
To have my pet start answering..
I ask my Wish "Where have you been?"
And he just looks, but now I've seen!! (I hope I win)

Unknown said...

Well I got an error while posting so I dont know if my comment went through so i'm trying again. Fancy and Cheddar! And I think this looks so neat! I'd use it for my dog Lolo she loves exploring everything and Id love to see what she explores! Thanks for entering me

Abby said...

My girls would get the biggest kick out of our dog Maggie having this!

ajcmeyer AT go DOt com

PS said...

Cheddar! What fun cat names! Goofy but fun-and who am I to judge, we have a dog name Trash! I'd love to see what he does out in the swamp! Or I should say, how he comes back covered in mud!

moushka said...

Colby and Cheddar....LOL!

Jen@FIRR-Kids! said...

That pet cam is cracking me up! Love it!


Bettina said...

Cheddar! That is one cool name for a cat!

bewell75 at gmail dot com

Andrea Hatfield said...

Cheddar, what a great name =)

Andrea Hatfield said...

I subscribe in Google Reader.

Andrea Hatfield said...

I subscribe to the Cheezit blog in Google reader.

Andrea Hatfield said...

I added your button to my sidebar.

Andrea Hatfield said...


Betsy said...

cool product! thanks for the giveaway!

RoadWorker said...

gotta love it - my cat is unlike either cheddar or colby..she's more like smoked gouda (black)..I'd love to see where she goes on her adventures.

Simply Stacie said...

One of the cat's name is Fancy.

Simply Stacie said...

I subscribe to Cool Moms Rule!

Mrs. Csirke said...

Cheddar is another kitty. I love kitties named after food--my little boy is named tater tot. I have been drooling over the pet cam for awhile now. Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway!

makeetis said...

I have never seen one of these. One of the cats names is chedder. Thanks for the chance to win. brewerchickey78(at)

SLM said...

Cheddar is a Cheezits. One of my cats names is Cheddar. He is a bright Golden Tabby. I would love to see what he does all day long. Or, I could put it on my dog, Belle, to see what she looks at all day. This would be fun. My grandkids would love to see how this works.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

colby and cheddar! We have three orangey kitties, one grey, one tortoisey and one tuxedo. six in all... imagine the photo possibilities!

Christian Kay said...

Colby and Cheddar!! What adorable names! I want this sooooo badly. My bday is in a week and this would make a perfect present. I have two dogs and I have always wanted to know what they do while I am at work. Such fun!!


Betsy said...

I love this!
Colby, such a cute name for a cat!

Betsy said...


Irishmama said...

Colby and Cheddar, how cute! My kids would get a kick out of this pet cam. Happy Holidays!

Janet said...

Cheddar & Fancy are interesting names. We once had a kitten that looked like Colby. He was a very friendly kitten and someone took advantage of him. :( We miss him. If we had the petcam we may have found out who was hurting him. (Sorry too sad) We have a Chocolate Lab puppy that will enjoy this cool product if we win. Happy Holidays.

Janet said...

I blogged the giveway. TY

Janet said...

I am subscribed. (blog roll - follower too)

Janet said...

I have your button/badge on my blog. TY

craftymamaof4 said...

This is so cool! we have 3 dogs and 2 cats and my kids would love to spy on them!
One of the cats in the story is cheddar :)

craftymamaof4 said...

I subscribe

Kristie said...

Very neat!
One of the cats is Fancy :-)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

We just got a new kitten and she is constantly into everything. Earlier this week we found her sleeping in the Christmas tree, would love to see her perspective on life.


Annie said...

I would love one for my dog!! It would let me know if he's the one I hear taking walks without me knowing ;)

Annie said...

subscribed for Cool Moms Rule My Yahoo Feed!!

Annie said...

subscribed to Cheezits my yahoo feed!

L321 said...

This is really neat. Cat's name is Fancy

Lessa said...

Hmmm--I'm always saying to the cats, "What were you thinking/doing/getting into?" so this would be quite fun. One of the cats in the story is named Fancy!

Lessa said...

I also subscribed to Cool Moms Rule! via My Yahoo!

Lessa said...

I also subscribed to The Cheezits! via My Yahoo!

And BTW, a note for Colby: Your mama is very smart to worry about you like that. Our most street-smart cat, who we rescued from the streets but who had been a house cat despite many years of various escape techniques, got out and got lost. We kept thinking he would come home because it was bitterly cold and he was so smart. We searched everywhere and put up probably hundreds of "lost cat" flyers for two weeks, but three years ago tomorrow, we discovered that he had been hit by a car. The holidays will never quite be the same, so please stay inside and stay safe!

Brian said...

Colby and Cheddar? Very funny.

Unknown said...

Pet cams? This is too cool! I love your creative names for your cat, Cheddar and Fancy! I used to have a lot of cats growing up and we always had the most purrfect names for them!

Unknown said...

We blogged here:

Unknown said...

Your button is up!

Unknown said...

We subscribed to both blogs!

Reva Skie said...

I love food named kitties, Cheddar is a right fine name. This camera is cool, I would love a kitty eye view of some toy mouse attacking.

Anonymous said...

Awesome camera. I always wonder where my cats go... I hope I can win so they can be as cool as Colby and Cheddar

Donna said...


Donna said...

I subscribed.

Donna said...

I subscribed to cheezits.

windycindy said...

What a great pet product idea! I didn't know about these. "Fancy" is one of the Cheezits Cats! Please enter my name in your delightful giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

Merry Christmas! I am a subscriber to your site. Thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I just subscribed to the Cheeezits Site via my Yahoo Reader Page!" Many thanks for the chance to win a fun prize. Cindi

Teresa said...

My dog is always into things he shouldn't be into. What a great way to see what he's up to. Cheddar!
TRigell at aol dot com

JeansandTs said...

Cheddar is a cute cat name. I'd love to get a look at where my Miniature Pinschers go when they get out and run off. Pet cam is a great solution.

Marcy Bock said...

Cheddar is another furry friend! I would love to put this on one of our 3 dachshunds! They get into SO much trouble when we are gone and im curious to see who causes most of it!!!

Jinxy and Me said...

One of the cats is Fancy. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said...

I blogged about the contest here:

Liz said...

Hi Cheddar & Fancy
We have 2 kittens and 2 cats and our mama cat is due in January. I think it would be really cool to put on her to watch her with the newborn kittens. And it would be cool to but on Jayla she's 5 months, the one who jumped in my 10 foot christmas tree and knocked it over. Brroke several 100 ornaments and the tree is just plan crooked now. LOL
You gotta love them

The Consumer Queen said...

Very Cute name Cheddar! This would be great for my 2 Chihuahuas!

The Consumer Queen said...

I just tweeted you!

Bondsir said...

Very funny story. Cheddar is one of the cats in the blog. Hope I win so I can track my Golden Retriever's adventures

Misty said...

got my fingers crossed.

LtUrSpirit said...

This is a great giveaway!

Kathy S said...

Have Cheezits on MyYahoo! homepage RSS feed. The cats are Colby and Cheddar, and simply adorable! I have 3 cats myself...and love the Cheezits blog! Would love to win so I could see the world through their eyes!

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to the Cheezit Blog and am also glad I did and read about the pet screen. Man, I really need some of that!

moonshadow43 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading the blog and about Colby and CHEDDDER's escapades. Looking forward to reading more.

moonshadow43 at gmail dot com

Angie said...

Colby, Fancy and Cheddar! I love cats so this was fun, thank you!

Angie said...

I subscribed to the Cool Moms Rule feed on my yahoo homepage!

Angie said...

I subscribed in a Google Reader.

Angie said...

I'm sorry, in my last post, I meant to say "I subscribed to Cheezits in a Google reader." (I believe I forgot to say "Cheezits")
Thank you!


Angie said...

I am following you on twitter. (angiee1)

Thanks! baileybobby6(at)

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

That was such a funny story! That silly cat! And I love the names Colby and Cheddar. My daughters two cats are named milk and cookies.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the PetCam. One of the cat's names was Cheddar.

bison61 said...

such a fun prize! Cheddar

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

One of the cats is named Cheddar!!!

Oh my gosh - I want this!! I have a cat & a dog, and I've always wanted to know what they do all day. We live on 20 acres, so they have a lot of 'exploring' time!!

contact me at:

Sara said...

Colby & Cheddar! That's hilarious. I think the feature product on the contest looks really cool. It would be interesting to see what my three shelter dogs and my one shelter kitty would see outside and inside our house.

Anonymous said...

I love this camera for my dog


Xenia said...

So cool, I would love to see what my dog sees! One of the cats is named Cheddar.


Anonymous said...

Wow, these cameras are great and really fun to see the eye view of your furry loved ones!! The other adorable sounding Kitty is cheddar:)

Tempest52 said...

This is one of the most unique ideas ever! I'd love to see the world from basenji level!

One of Colby's pals is Fancy!

dlcwin AT gmail DOT com

Bethany Moran said...

cheddar & colby look like my past-kitty cleo

creative endeavors by at gmail dot com

Bethany Moran said...

wow, sally could take pics as she walked between her kennel and her bed!
LOL cheddar is a dream!

creative endeavors by at gmail dot com

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

Cute story - love that the Colby told the story in his own words. Fancy was another of the cats names.

Even though I have indoor cats, would love to see what the heck they are doing some of the time and see the world from closer to their perspective.

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

I also sent a tweet about this from @RobynsWorld

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

Well, Fancy is one little kitty I like hearing about (cute names, by the way!). I SO ENJOYED reading Colby's story, and seeing the pictures. Very interesting!!

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I've put your button/badge on my blog:

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I've subscribed to Cheezits (this is one I'm soooo excited to get updates from!) via Google Reader!
I've got 5 cats of my own, and I really can relate!

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I've tweeted about your giveaway!

Annmarie Weeks said...

This would be such a fun gadget on our black lab/border collie! And Colby & cute is that for names??!!

Tisa said...

Now that is the best pet gadget I've heard about! MY daughter would LOVE this! Colby and Cheddar are the cats! ~ :) Thanks for the chance to win!

acmilan68 [at]

Mrs. K said...

Chedder- great site you have and awesome giveaway. Thanks!

Sarah said...

Aw, I wanted to see a pic of Fancy! But the picture of Cheddar on the porch is way cute.

I would LOVE to win this--we have a Houdini cat, too, and we always wonder just where he goes when he escapes!

ignoramoose (at) gmail (dot) com

Leah said...

Cheddar is truly a cutey, but ya got to love them all! : )))

Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))


Leah said...

I love subscribing to Cool Moms Rule!


Leah said...

I'm also subscribing to Cheezits!!!


Leah said...

And, I TWITTERED about this give~away.......user name: leahita.


Brooke said...

I subscribe.

Brooke said...

Chedder Cat!

Queen of the House said...

Looks like loads of fun! "Fancy" thinks so too. ;-D

Samantha P said...

this sounds like such a cool product, i always wanted to know how it feels to be in the crawl space that my dog insists on hiding in!

one of the cats name is Cheddar, how cute!

Samantha P said...

subscribed to coolmomrules!

Samantha P said...

also subscribed to the cheezits!

Samantha P said...

twittered as well!

KR said...

Cheddar and Fancy. This would be way cool!

Anonymous said...

Rose wants to wear the PetCam, and then follow Mirah around so we can see that she's the one who picks all the fights! :-)

I know your kitties are Cheddar, Colby, and Fancy.

Anonymous said...

I also subscribed on email.

Anonymous said...

Oh hahaha thank you so much for introducing me to Colby, Cheddar and Fancy! That is the cutest, funniest thing I've read in a while.

We live on a small farm, and I can just see my kids trying the PetCam on the rabbits, the chickens, and of course, the cats. We would have a blast!


Anonymous said...

I subscribed to your blog as well.


Anonymous said...

And of course I totally had to subscribe to the Cheezits too. I'm still smiling over that one.


Daisy said...

I almost entered incorrectly! So I am saying "Cheddar" because I would enjoy playing with the PetCam!

Daisy said...

Oopsie, I entered too late! But that's okay because I think my Mommie is going to get me one!

wigget said...


Cool Moms Rule! is in full compliance of the new FTC rules concerning Bloggers. I disclose on all posts where a product was received for free and/or if there was any kind of financial compensation involved.