So, the Rhino is a slob.
I know, that's a terrible thing for a Mom to say about her son, but it's the truth. We are working on it, and making progress. For example, we just put new carpet in his room, and so he had to clean it, and now his room looks great!
But he had a *ton* of clothes on his floor. And most of them had never even been worn. Unbelievable. He grabbed for something off the hanger (oh yeah, sometimes he breaks hangers, too), and the shirts next to it fell off their hangers, and of course he didn't hang them back up!
So I was looking at a lot of clothes to wash, not because they were really dirty, but just because they were sitting, wrinkled, on the closet door.
And here's how famous I am: they made the Refresh'n Dryer Towel just for me!
Okay, not really.
BUT it was certainly made for Moms like me, and I know I am not the only one whose kids leave clothes on their floor. I can't be, can I? Please tell me I'm not.
Here's how the Refresh'n Dryer Towel works:
1. Wet the Refresh'n Towel in your sink and wring it out.
2. Take up to 3 of the Rhino's shirts (if you are me) or any other clothes that need freshening up, and put them in the dryer with one Towel. Or you can use 2 Refresh'n Dryer Towels to freshen up to 8 items at a time (yes, of course, I chose the second method. Saving water is better for the environment! Plus, you know, I'm lazy.)
3. Lay the Refresh'n Dryer Towel on top of the clothing. (Since I was using two, what I did is sandwich the clothes between the two towels. Easy-peasy!)
4. Set dryer to high heat for 10-15 minutes. (If you have my dryer, it takes 15 minutes, because it is practically an antique.)
5. Voila! Clothing comes out fresh, reshaped, fluffy, smelling fresh and ready for you to hang, fold or wear. (Or, you know, make the Rhino do it. Seriously. I'll send him over to your place, if you want!)
It really is that easy. Plus, the Refresh'n Dryer Towel is chemical free, non-toxic, and can be re-used 25 times. Then, give it to DH, and he can dry the car off with it. When you have finally used it up, the Refresh'n Dryer Towel can be recycled.
According to the Refresh'n Dryer Towel people (I don't do math in the mornings, especially without my caffeine fix):
1 Refresh'n Dryer Towel will Save:
* $365 in dry cleaning costs
* 700 gallons of water
* 90 kwh of electricity
For more info, you can visit their site, where they have all the directions, and the commercial, and then you can order the Refresh'n Dryer Towel online.
Or, you know, you could WIN IT!
That's right, you can win a Refresh'n Dryer Towel for yourself! Here's how to win:
Visit the Refresh'n website, watch their commercial, then come back here and name any item or decoration that's in the teen daughter's room in your comment on THIS post.
That's all!
Contest ends December 26th at midnight (EST).
Good luck!
can't get the video to load - got a gray warning box ..... I tried....
There is a teddy bear on the gals bed. Thanks for the giveaway!
She has a pin up board with pictures!!
Thanks for this cool giveaway!
She has a lamp next to the bear.
She has a bulletin board and a black wicker dresser and wicker framed mirror.
zebra purse! thanks for the giveaway!
There's a cute teddy bear!
She has mirror and something like a bulletin board.
wow i love to well win this and well theres a teddy bear on her bed thanks
i couldn't get the page to load either...bummer. this sounds really cool though! thanks!
There is a mirror!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
I saw a teddy bear in their.
mhgatti (at) yahoo (dot) com
There is a biege teddy bear on her bed, a poster board on her wall and a pink teddy bear on her dresser
The girl had a bulletin board on her wall with many things posted on it, a teddy bear on her bed, and wicker furniture!!
I see a teddy bear on the bed...wonder if he can be fluffed up too,
This Refresh'n Dryer Towel is so special and new!
She's a teen but has a teddy bear on her bed..perhaps her boyfriend gave it to her because he loves that her clothes are always so fresh & clean? This product looks great...made just for me!
There is a teddy bear, mirror, dresser, many things in her room!
This definately sounds interesting to use and has a lot of purposes!
We blogged: http://www.lovingheartmommy.com/2008/12/holiday-giveaways.html
I cant view it either, I tried two different browsers, it wants me to save a .mov file. Eek.
a teddy bear.
I couldnt get the commercial to load. My computer is still dial-up and I have problems viewing videos. I tried to view...
I saw a teddy bear on her bed. Thanks for the great review and giveaway!!!
hottmomma_03@yahoo dot com
I saw a teddy bear on her bed. Thanks for the great review and giveaway!!!
hottmomma_03@yahoo dot com
She's got a zebra print bag on the floor.
Leopard print rug. Looks like a cool product! I could use this with my clothes, I never have enough :)
Oh, do I need this!! I'm always rewashing clothes that my husband leaves on the floor because I'm too lazy to iron out all the wrinkles. He had to wear khaki cargo pants to our church's Christmas Eve service because all his nice pants were too wrinkly. *sigh*
Anyway, she has a leopard print rug and a pink teddy bear on her dresser. Thanks for the giveaway!
She has a dry erase board that is magnetic with posters stuck to it :)
On her dresser she had a blue clear plastic container! Thanks so much for the giveaway. I'm the queen of re-drying stuff in my dryer to get any wrinkles out. This would do a much better job!
I saw an orange colored candle on the dresser to the right of the mirror. Love the idea of the produt but I have to admit the voice was a little annoying. :)
the teddy bear on the bed.
How does this towel differ from a microfiber towel? On the website they look similar.
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