Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer of Me Update!

Well, I was sure that I would be in trouble with this week's weigh-in, because I just came back from Wyoming, as a lot of you know, and while I was there my wonderful Aunt Ruth made sure we had delicious free ice cream from her ice cream parlor almost every night.

Ice cream.


If that doesn't completely wear away your willpower, I don't know what will.

When I came back, I weighed myself. I had lost four pounds since we started the Summer of Me, and I thought I was back up two pounds. But that was weighing myself at night, when I usually weigh-in first thing in the morning. So I got up this morning and realized...

(dun dun DUN!)

..I had only gained 1/2 a pound! Woohoo! So after that week, I am still down a total of 3 1/2 pounds. I have a long way to go until my ten pound goal at the end of the month, and my fifteen pound goal when the kids go back to school August 18th, but I'm still on track.


I also want to give a shout-out to Griffin, the co-founder of Oygenfit, who wrote me a really nice email. I've had them on the sidebar for quite a while now, and he wrote to say thanks, which is awesome! I love Oxygenfit, and they really do fit right in with a healthy woman's lifestyle. They have portable workout equipment you can take with you when you travel, and I'm seriously thinking I need that for BlogHer this month in SF. Check them out!

Oxygenfit - Lifestyle - Home - Travel - Fitness Products

1 comment:

Christie O. said...

my defenses are useless against ice cream but if it were free, i'd be totally done. i have all i can do to rebuff my favorite "skinny cow" ice cream -- nevermind the hard stuff. yummmmmmmm!! (ice cream while pregnant is why i'm in this fix in the first place! hahahaha)
anyway, that's impressive!! only .5!!! (which means it'll probably be gone by tonight anyway!!) happy ftf!

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