Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Your Guide to Everything Halloween: Serve Swamp Stew!

I received this recipe for Swamp Stew in my inbox today, and I just had to share it with you all right away! It's from a new book, called Enchanted Thyme, by Ariane Smith (more about that below the recipe). You can double-click on the picture below to "biggify" it.


Children's author and storyteller Ariane Smith, whose recently published book Enchanted Thyme is bubbling with healthy recipes, has added another spell to the Halloween experience through her stirring, family-oriented brews. Her mesmerizing tales were on display at the October 11 FoodNetwork Wine & Food Festival at Chelsea Market in New York City, where she performed along with well known chefs such as Bobby Flay and Rachael Ray.

The recipe does not call for toads or spiders but depends upon less exotic fare found in a typical coven. Chef Michael Wilson, whose well appreciated spell casting abilities have been directed towards a series of recipes in the book, concocted Creepy's Swamp Stew especially for Enchanted Thyme.

The boo-k incorporates many such recipes that can be made by children eight and older or as a family project.

1 comment:

Mary512 said...

Thanks for adding my new button! You are now entered 5 times in the Black Out Curtains Giveaway. --Regards, Mary @ Adventures in Mommyland

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