AMC Entertainment, Inc., which you'll all recognize from their movie theaters, just came out with a fantastic way to celebrate last weekend's opening of High School Musical 3. One of the world's leading exhibition and out-of-home entertainment companies, AMC is breaking new ground by becoming the first in the industry to introduce personalized gift cards, featuring the stars of the movie--and you!

The innovative gift card design lets you upload your photo on AMC's web site, putting your face alongside those of the celebrity cast members. The personalized cards make great gifts for seniors, new grads, or anyone in your family that loves the High School Musical franchise.

In addition to the personalized version, there are also 11 non-customizable cards, each featuring an exciting scene from the High School Musical 3 movie to choose from.
And, thanks to the folks at AMC, you can WIN one of their new AMC Gift Cards Featuring High School Musical 3, with a $25 value, just for reading Cool Moms Rule!
All you have to do to enter is visit the AMC site, pick which gift card is your favorite, and then leave me a comment below this post! If your comment is chosen, you'll win your favorite AMC Gift Card Featuring High School Musical 3!
We want to hear from ALL those High School Musical fans, so tell a friend about our giveaway. Anyone you refer (just have them mention your first name or email) gets you an extra entry in the giveaway!
Digg this post, or Tweet about it on Twitter for another additional entry.
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Finally, if you have a blog, write a blog post about our giveaway and include the link in your comment, or add my button to your blog (or both!).
Please leave a new comment for each additional entry method you choose.
All together, you could have as many as 6 entries into the giveaway! Wow!
Good luck, and thanks again to our friends at AMC for sponsoring this AMC Gift Card Featuring High School Musical 3 giveaway!
Hey, this giveaway is featured on Bloggy Giveaways!
my favorite is of all the graduates in red thowing their caps up in the air
My daughter would like the one with Zack Efron!
I love the scratch N sniff popcorn one! How cute is that!
I just blogged about this on my blog, and I will post it on my other blog www.nannyadventures.com
I just followed your blog and subscribe via my google homepage! Can't wait to read about Cool Moms Rule! my kinda of blog!
I would get the one that you can put a picture into, because I have a niece who would die to see herself included in the HSM cast. Thanks for the chance to win.
I like the mosaic.
i subscribe
the scratch and sniff popcorn is the coolest
I love the scratch and sniff popcorn one. I am a huge HSM fan and I'm in my 20's with a 2 year old daughter. What can I say?
I love the graduating one where they are all in teh air!! Im not gunna lie me and the 2 girls I nanny have all been waiting for HSM 3!!!!!!!! The songs are just so catchy hahah
I like the scratch n sniff popcorn. Thanks!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I love the personalized card with the photos on them!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
Scratch and sniff popcorn~ Mmmm...
the personalized one, my daughter just die to herseld included with this cast.
The HSM one is the best, but scratch and sniff popcorn??? Get out! Way cool!
Oh the Scratch & Sniff Popcorn takes me back to when I had a scratch and sniff collection :o )
well my dd would love the one where you add her picture in with the rest of the cast. Her second choice would be Ryan and Sharpay.
The scratch and sniff card is genius! Thanks for the chance!
I love the HSM Personalized Gift Card! This would be SO cool! Thanks!
The scratch and sniff popcorn card would be so fun - thanks for the chance! alicedemske at hotmail.com
These are great! I really love the scrach and sniff one!
I like the scratch and sniff popcorn one. How fun!
The group one for my grandson. :)
Thank you,
Boo would freak over the Zac one, she thinks he is the best. Thanks!!
I would love to do the personalized HSM3 gift card. So cool!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
i had no idea you could customize a gift card like that! Go AMC! High School Musical ones are awesome! Love the birthday one also... will keep that in mind next time i need gift
My daughter would go crazy over the personalized card.
Also, I twittered about the contest.
lydia.bower @ gmail.com
I like the one with the red cap and gown throwing the hats. I want to take my daughter to see this movie so badly! She's almost 8 and loves HSM...
efuson_2000 at yahoo dot com
Oh this is awesome! My two boys LOVE HSM!
Of course they'd think they were so cool if their picture (together) was on the card.
I like the one with the 6 cast members and you can add in another photo.
Enter me, thanks!
It's gotta be the one where you can add your own photo to the group! My daughter made a Jib Jab adding her face to the dance. So cute!!!
They're all cool. The graduates in red is cute.
I like the personalized ones for sure! Too cool!
I like the one where you can insert your photo! Awesome giveaway!
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
The graduates in red are my favorite! They just look so happy :)
It would have to be the popcorn scratch and sniff. What better way to get in the mood for a movie?
the scratch and sniff popcorn, reminds me of groeing up with scratch and sniff stickers!
The scratch & sniff popcorn!!!
Since I love popcorn, I'd have to say my favorite is the Scratch & Sniff Popcorn giftcard :-)
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I like the scratch & sniff popcorn.
I'd have to go for the one with Ryan and Sharpay.
Most def the popcorn, too cool.
Thank you
I like the personalized ones
I love the idea of the personalized card, but my daughter loves Zac Efron, so I would say the Zac gift card for her. Thanks for the giveaway! Those are awesome!
zarache AT aol DOT com
I love the scratch and sniff popcorn card. Too cute. All of the HSM 3 ones are cute too!
I like the Zac card and the mosaic (from the traditional page)
katelynthames AT yahoo DOT com
My daughters would love the Zack Efron one...they drool over him.
I like the custom one where you can add your own picture
the scratch and sniff popcorn :)
Thank you for the great giveaway!
kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com
The scratch n sniff one is really cool!
I think the Mosaic one is neat looking. Thanks!
I love the personalized ones.
Thanks for offering it!
princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com
Scratch n sniff...what could be better.
Thanks for the giveaway! >^..^<
I like the personalized HSM card. The one that shows all the cast's photos and lets you add a photo of your own.
I like the one where you can add the photo to the cast - my niece would love it!
I know the perfect person for a High School Musical gift card, the one with them jumping for joy in their graduation gowns.
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
This would be great for my teenage daughter. My favorite is the one of the whole cast standing together.
sweet prize kiddos love hsm nice mrs.mommyyatgmaildot.com
My daughter's favourite is the one of all of the stars posing together. Thanks for the giveaway!
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
I like the scratch 'n sniff one the best!
I think my neice would love the Zac Effron one.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
i like the personalized ones.
i like the one where they are all throwing their caps! go HSM!
thanks for the giveaway!
I love the one where you can customize it as well as the scratch-n-sniff one...too cool!!!
Please count me in, my kids would be truly happy to see something like that come in the mail!!
I like the mosaic, makes me feel like I'm already in the theater. Thanks!
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail (.) com
I like the card with the whole cast dressed up on it. That's neat that you can personalize some of them.
I love the Zac Efron one!
oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com
the personalized one and ty
My niece would love the zac effron one
lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot]com
I lik the one with the Graduates tossing their caps in the air! Thanks for the chance to enter!
Scratch & Sniff popcorn would be my fav! Yummy. My son would really think I'm a cool mom if I win this :)
I like the one where there in their tred caps and gowns an they throw the caps in the air.
I like the scratch and sniff popcorn.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
I like the one that you can personalize with a photo. My daughter would just FLIP if she saw herself in with the cast
I love movie popcorn, so Scratch and Sniff popcorn FTW
Personalized HSM3 gift card please!
Me and my girls would love the personalized one! I can already imagine! lol ale1ymtz at yahoo.com
popcorn scratch n sniff:) Thanks for the giveaway.
poncey76 at hotmail dot com
My wife and daughter love HSM. I think they would like the jumping up in the air with the caps and gowns one.
Make them a star one. My daughter would freak to see her face on a card with the stars from her favorite movies
I have to say my favorite gift card is the one with the High School Musical 3 actors. My daughter is a huge fan of theirs and it would really put a smile on her face with that one.
I subscribed through Google reader.
The Scratch & Sniff Popcorn is super cool! Thanks for the giveaway!
I twittered your contest! (My username is jinxykb.)
I also blogged about your contest here: http://thriftyjinxy.blogspot.com/2008/10/freebie-friday-free-stuff-great-deals.html
i like the personalized hsm3 card! Thank you for the chance to win!
Definitely scratch and sniff popcorn! .
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
I like the HSM card with just Corbin Bleu on it. Thanks!
The personalized ones with all the other HSM kids would be so special and unique. My girls would think that was awesome!
I like the scratch and sniff popcorn.
I like the one with the cast in their evening clothes, my son would love it. thanks.
I like the traditional AMC card with the HAPPY BIRTHDAY spelled out in popcorn. THanks so much!
definitely Zac Efron solo for my daoughter, she'd go wild! LOL.
davidjnorris at ntlworld.com
My kids love the one with Zac Efron on it.
Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.
The scratch and sniff popcorn one sounds fun!
I like the scratch and sniff design. When I was little I used to collect stickers and the sratch and sniff ones were my favorite.
I like the plain Happy Birthday one as I give these as birthday gifts often. Thanks for the giveaway.
My girls would love the HSM designs, I like that scratch n sniff popcorn!
I like the AMC Mosaic card! Thanks for the giveaway!
scratch and sniff popcorn.....OMG how incredibly cute. I know a couple of teens on my christmas list who would just love this
my 8 year old daughter would go crazy for the one with Zac Efron, she is in love
i like the personalize-able photo ones!
I like the scratch and sniff popcorn!! It could really put ya in the mood for the movies!
I have to go with the Make them the star card, it would be hilarious to see how long it took my daughter to recognize herself in the cast!
Oh who could resist the scratch and sniff popcorn card?! Thanks for the giveaway!
P.S. To kick off NaBloPoMo I'm giving away some Bath and Body Works stuff over at my blog. If you're interested, check it out! :)
How cool is the scratch n sniff popcorn! I love it!
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
I really love the ones you can personalize. They would make great gifts for all kinds of different occasions! Thanks for having the giveaway!
I like the one with Zac and Vanessa all dressed up on it! Thank you!!
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